
Dr. Aaron B. McNair, II is a 7th generation preacher. He is an influential leader, ingenious strategist, and emerging apostolic voice. In 2015, he became the Lead Pastor of Mt. Moriah Community Church-Raleigh, one of five locations. MMCC-Raleigh is known as the “Place of Impact” and is a vibrant ministry whose mode for excellence is fervently sought after by pastors and ministries nationally. In 2020, he became the successor of Apostle Norbert E. Simmons and Senior Pastor of Deeper Life Church Ministries, a trendsetting and thriving ministry in Goldsboro, NC. He is one with the true heart of a pastor and loves to see people grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
With 20 years of ministry experience, Dr. McNair has the humbling opportunity of traveling nationally and internationally teaching God’s word, training pastors and secondary leaders. He is a highly sought-after mentor for preachers. He has been interviewed and featured for his ministerial guidance and spiritual insight numerous times on several tv, radio, and internet shows. His academic career consists of degrees in the areas of theology, sacred music & Christian ministry. He received a Doctor of Ministry from North Carolina Theological Seminary.
In addition, Dr. McNair has obtained years of certification in Advance Studies of Homiletics and Hermeneutics through The Proclaimer’s Place at Oxford University under the tutelage of Dr. Joel C. Gregory. Professionally, Dr. McNair is the CEO of Impact Consulting Group which provides guidance, training and services for churches and ministries desiring to make their vision relevant, vibrant, and effective. He has a passion and calling for creating systems and structures for ministry advancement and functionality, as well as teaching and training pastors and secondary leaders. He is the host of the Fuel Strategies Summit, a conference of professional development for pastors and leaders. He is the pedagogue of Fuel School of Ministry, a virtual educational program for pastors and leaders. As an author, Dr. McNair has four published works with more to come.
Dr. McNair serves the Life Changing Ministries International Fellowship. LCMIF is an ecumenical fellowship of pastors, churches, and parachurch ministries under the leadership of Presiding Bishop & Chief Apostle Dr. A.B. McNair, Sr. He serves on the Apostolic Council, Diocesan Bishop of The Third Diocese and oversees administration for LCMIF.
On March 9, 2013, he was united in love with the most beautiful, Lady Ashley McNair. He describes her as “God’s love for me in physical form” and she works closely with him in ministry. Lady Ashley McNair is a powerful preacher, psalmist, and intercessor. Together they have one lovely daughter Aylana Lynda Michelle and one energetic son, Aaron III (AB).